Friday, June 19, 2009

Saftey Knobs, Moms Best Friend!

I was visiting Kara yesterday, well I was really stopping by to hold Addison and get my baby fix for the week! Is that wrong? And she reminded me about my best parenting find ever! Safety Knobs! So many of you moms fret or fretted about how to get you toddler to stay in the big boy/girl bed. I was blessed with 3 girls that did this on their own, no problems! Then along comes Brayden, the world is his playground! It was completely brilliant of God to give me the idea to use those safety covers on the inside of his door! At first it seemed a little cruel, but so is holding the door knob from the other side and playing tug of war. Or the worst sin of all, crawling into their bed until they fall asleep! Don't tell me if you did this unless they were sick! This way you can relax! Kids are smart and catch on fast...before you know it they will stay in their beds with the door open! If they don't, start closing it again! Just remember to open it when they fall asleep!


Anonymous said...

I went one step further. I turned my door knobs around so that the lock is on the outside . . .

Corrie said...

I've been wondering why more moms don't see this as a solution for awhile now.